I have been doing updates in the Discord recently so I thought I'd put out this post quickly to give the blog subscribers who might not already be in the Discord a quick update on development. It looks a little bad that the last entry is the back-dated one I put in October when I was first planning the project! 😄
I asked in the last update on the Discord what the guys thought I should work on next and the majority suggested getting title belts done.
I decided to do something a little different and do a voice recording instead of sharing screenshots. The Youtube video below shows an update of everything I've been working on the last couple of months.
If you do check out the video, please do me a huge favor and take the time to let me know whether you prefer this format or you want me to do the old style development blogs. The latter is easier for me, but I know the success of the game depends on folks like you sharing and spreading the word so I'm happy to do these kinds of updates as well.
As always, love to hear feedback on this screen and appreciate everyone in our community that takes the time to leave their opinions and thoughts.
I also took a quick detour before I start working on staff + factions to get the events screen coded up. It's not wired to any real game data so just a fully functioning mockup at the moment but once events are added to the game, we'll be able to simulate cards for every promotion when the game date is progressed and the game will really start to take shape!